Hong Kong Housing Society is rated 3 out of 5 in the category create homes . revive communities. Read and write reviews about Hong Kong Housing Society. Established in 1948, the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) is an independent and not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing quality housing for the people of Hong Kong. With the support of Government, the Housing Society has implemented various housing schemes to meet the evolving needs of the community. Being the first non-government public housing organisation in Hong Kong, HKHS has completed about 90 projects providing over 70,000 residential units. Being named the “housing laboratory” in Hong Kong, we keep progressing with the times to explore new solutions, on our own resources or in partnership with Government, so as to help address different housing needs of the people. Such a spirit of innovation is the cornerstone for our business development. HKHS is governed by Members with a Supervisory Board and an Executive Committee made up of professionals coming from all walks of life. The Supervisory Board is responsible for the formulation of the Housing Society's mission and guiding principles; whereas the Executive Committee establishes strategies and policies to achieve the corporate mission and objectives. The Management, led by the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, is accountable for the implementation of the strategies in the business operation. 香港房屋協會(房協)成立於1948年,是一個獨立的非牟利機構,致力為香港市民提供優質居所。在政府的支持下,房協發展不同類型的房屋計劃,配合社會不斷演變的需要。 作為香港首個非政府的房屋機構,房協已發展了約90個項目,提供的居住單位超過70,000個。與此同時,作為香港「房屋實驗室」,房協緊隨時代步伐,自行推出或與政府合作推行嶄新的提案,以解決不同的住屋需要。這個創新求進的理念是我們業務發展的基石。 房協由委員管治,其監事會及執行委員會的成員均是來自社會各界的專業人士。監事會負責制訂房協的宗旨及企業原則,執行委員會負責制訂策略及政策,確保公司策略與機構宗旨及既定方針相符,由行政總裁兼執行總幹事領導的管理層則負責執行日常業務上既定的策略。
29/F, World Trade Centre, 280 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay
Company size
1001-5000 employees