NoHo Capital Management Ltd is rated 3 out of 5 in the category investment management. Read and write reviews about NoHo Capital Management Ltd. NoHo Capital Management Ltd runs a systematic trading program focusing on Asian equity markets. Capturing alpha returns, the proprietary algorithms are based on trend following, contrarian and deterministic strategies. No bias is predetermined. All algorithms are independent from each other. Signals may vary from intraday to as long as several weeks. Positions are adjusted several times per day, depending on the signals. Risks are monitored following stringent rules, making low volatility and low drawdowns a high priority. Given its low correlation against other markets and even among its peers, the program offers effective diversification . Our philosophy is based on following assumptions: markets do not follow random walks. We do not believe in universal patterns. Each market has its own characteristics, that we capture in our algorithms. NoHo Capital Management Ltd is licensed by the Securities & Futures Commission to provide Asset Management service to Professional Investors only.
14/f China Hong Kong Tower 8 Hennessy Raod, Wanchai
Company size
1-10 employees